
Welcome to Garden of Chi. Energy is the fuel for all we are and all our actions. It is crucial to our wellbeing, health and prosperity. Whether we get sick or not, and our ability to heal depends on it. As our energy is in a continuous interaction with the energy of the places and people we spent our time with, our environment matters, too. We lack that knowledge in our modern medicine and in the way we design our homes, offices, shops, hospitals and cities.

So we made it our special expertise to improve energy and vitality, and are happy to see good results. We believe that sustainable wellbeing and health can be achieved. For that, let’s take care of ourselves and create the environment with high vitality that supports us, our family and business.

On this website you can find information about our private mentoring sessions and treatments, training, courses and lectures and our services to improve a building and heal the land.

Improve your health

Need more energy? Do you wish to prevent or cure dis-ease and empower yourself?

Book a treatment, private class or personal consultation.

Discover our courses

Workshops, lectures, classes and training: Chi Kung (Qi Gong), breath work, Feng Shui, Lo Shu Analysis, Auric fields and more.

Train your energy. Feel it. Understand it. We share how to get well, create a vital home, a healthy office and improve your business.

Healthy home, vital workspace, land healing

Not feeling so well at home or work? Feel exhausted? Wake up tired? People argue often, do not perform as expected? Suffer from (chronic) disease? Accidents? Stress?

If a building cannot recharge your energy, something is wrong. Let us investigate, we can help. Luckily we know Feng Shui, land healing and how to reduce EMF.